Write For Us!
Have something new and interesting to share about diabetes?
Have you created a thoughtful and useful resource for diabetics everywhere?
Are you a diabetic looking to tell your story?
We Want YOU To Write For Us Or Share Your Media!
We are all in this together. From every day meal recipes to innovative new technology, awareness campaigns and even your own personal story, we’re always open to hear what others have to say! We can all help each other, and band together for a better life.
While our goal is to help diabetics get life insurance, we know the quality of life we have to live is the top priority. Planning for tomorrow is important, but so is living every day to the fullest.
Because we get so many requests, we do have to be somewhat picky, it is recommended to contact us with your idea or story before you put too much time into it.
Basic Requirements
- Must Be Original – While we advocate valuable information and resources, it must be original. We do not syndicate, repurpose or republish.
- Must Be Yours – We cannot accept any recommendation or content which isn’t rightfully yours.
- Must Be New – We do enjoy lots of different kinds of media, but want to keep our readers abreast of latest and greatest.
While we don’t want to limit quality submissions, they must fit these criteria. There are no exceptions. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact us.